Learn a little (or a lot).

With the passing of Nelson Mandela, I have been reading a lot of his quotes, and have been reminded of some of my very favorite things that he has said. Seriously, the man has said some of my most favorite things ever. {I didn't even know he said them at first, but after some investigation, I found that many of my favorite quotes sprang from his lips. Crazy, yah?!}

I think a lot. A lot, a lot. Something that keeps me going when school gets rough is my deep desire to make the world a better place, somehow, even if it's small, and I know that I can only do that through education. I love this quote:

I believe it with my whole heart and soul.
In order to be an instrument in God's hands all the days of my life, I know that education is the key for me. So, I keep trudging along, hoping and praying that His {scary} path is right. Although I can't always see the end, sometimes I can feel it. And it makes me really happy. :) Until then. . . I keep telling myself this, and dreaming big:


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