Life can be really overwhelming at times, that's for sure. I've been feeling like this for a few weeks now, but it's helping me to learn and grow each and every's reminding me that in order to reach my potential, I have to s t r e t c h . . . . .
(and sometimes a lot farther than is comfortable) ...
I'm grateful for the tough times, because not only do they help me grow, but they make me completely dependent upon my Heavenly Father. Completely. And I love that. Life can still be wonderful even when we feel overwhelmed, because we have a perfect friend on our side to keep us company and help us along the way.
It reminds me to always keep a prayer in my heart. And I love that, too.
I found this little piece of guidance today, while searching for something to save me from the craziness.
It's by Elder Bednar:
“We think prayer is just kneeling down. Prayer also includes the work that you do after you say ‘amen’ to achieve the things about which you have been praying."
He continued: “To think that you have to stay on your knees all day long expressing gratitude is impossible. So you have to get up. There are things you need to do. But you acknowledge His hand in all things. That is part of praying always. As blessings come and you are filled with gratitude, that is part of praying always. And as you are pressing forward, seeking His help to do the things you know are right, that is praying always.”
I love that if we are willing to listen, God will speak to us and guide our hearts, through others, through the scriptures, through little messages.... If we are willing, He will guide us, and there shall be nothing to fear.
Nothing to fear. Gosh, I'm so grateful for that.
It's Wednesday! Happy Hump Day! You can do it!
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