Awkward and Awesome, Yo.

I seriously think my brain works backwards. I took my Judaism final this morning, sure that I had failed, and somehow got an A. I take my Book of Mormon final this evening, sure that I had aced it, and ended up failing it. This was a Book of Mormon final, people! I'm not even Jewish, I'm Mormon! Something is seriously wrong with my brain. SERIOUSLY, people.


Maybe talking about my Awkward life will make it better.


- Hand-washing laundry at 1 in the morning, singing your lungs out to this. And a girl that you'd talked to once in your life walks in, just as you belt out the wrong note. Ummm....yeah. Kind of speechless.

- Doing the splits in your favorite pink pants, while wearing ballroom heels, and your pants rip right down the middle.

- Coming out of your bedroom into the kitchen, talking to everyone including your roommate's boyfriend, only to realize that you've been standing there in your bra. (WHO forgets to wear a shirt?!)

-Studying on your way to the Testing Center, flapping your arms exuberantly and talking to yourself in order to remember dates for your Judaism final, only to turn the corner and find two boys looking at you like you're psychotic. Oh, don't mind me, I'm just having a moment!.....But seriously, what do you do after that??!

- Walking home from the temple in the rain and dark, having a full-on conversation with yourself, when some random runner sneaks up behind you.

- Some man on his motorcycle (gloves, helmet, and all) blowing kisses to you at 7 AM on your run. (I hadn't washed my hair in three days, brushed my teeth or hair, and I was still wearing the shirt I'd worn to bed. And my eyes were barely opening. The man's got good taste, what can I say.)

- Tripping on the stairs in the MARB, and falling on your face.

- Tripping on the stairs in the library, and falling on your face.

- Learning the Viennese Waltz, and somehow getting your leg stuck behind your partner, and watching them nearly fall right onto their behinds. (It takes real talent, I tell ya.) 

- Waving "Hi!" rather excitedly to your roommate's brother....only to realize, it's not actually your roommate's brother, but some random man walking by. (Maybe he needed a little boost, yeah?)

- Forgetting a word for a good 30 seconds during your interview (it felt more like 30 years), and having to ask the interviewers to help you out with the word. (I seriously couldn't remember it for the life of me...the word ended up being "convey"... As in "convey my thoughts"...Kind of ironic. HA!)

- Finding a book that had been lost for 3 weeks in the Lost and Found.

- Your home teacher carrying home your groceries from the Creamery...after just failing a test and all you want to do is cry.

- Signs on bathroom stalls that compare students during finals week to flies inside Venus Fly traps. Ahahaha.

- Running in the morning with one of your bestest friends. (It's amazing how much you can actually get done if you just get up out of bed in the morning. Amazing, I tell you.)

- Being an Anatomy TA :) (Let's hope this doesn't turn Awkward...)

- BYU Ballroom Concert and long talks with a sweet, sweet friend. (Thanks, Anna, for brightening my day!)

- Girl dates to Brick Oven and long walks at the duck pond with another best friend.

- Acing a test you thought you'd failed.... (I'm still not Jewish, though....)

- An Easter Card from your Momma in the mail :)

- A sweet, comforting Easter Card from your roommate, on one of those homesick days where Provo seems more like prison than school. 

- A visit from your Poppa in 12 days :)

- The End of Classes in 3 days...Also the end of finals. Cue the cheering!

- Winning $15 for completing a survey that you didn't actually complete.

- And last, but certainly not least....the Ducks. On BYU campus. They're everywhere. And I think I'm in love with them.

...And Just Plain Sad.  

- Your best friend calling a BOY more than she calls you! (You know who you are ;) And you know that I'm also kidding. I looooove you:))

- The amount of times per week that I listen to the month-old voice mail from my 3 year old niece, asking me if I would come home already. Don't worry, I cry every time, without fail.

- The fact that I'm moving on Friday and I still have no where to live (some times I wonder if I was given a boy brain, rather than a girl's. Don't worry, I only question it sometimes. As in, at least once a week...)

- Saying goodbye to roommates and my 54th Ward. I'm really going to miss everyone. So much, SO much. 


  1. Hey, I bombed my Book of Mormon test, too! Go figure. As Sunny and Taj were saying as I walked with them to the Wilk, "If we fail, we fail with glory!"

    1. Haha! I suppose you are right :) I emailed my TA about failing it, asking if there was anything I could do, and they made it seem like I was trying (in their words) to work out a "backdoor deal"!!!!! I felt like such an idiot. Haha:)


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