i cut my bangs. and a series of photos.

I looked at my linkedin account yesterday and realized I was still using a photo from the year I graduated from high school (goin' on 3 years. . . ). I was sweaty and had been camping for a week when that photo was taken, so heaven knows why I used it on my "professional" profile. So I tried to take a photo yesterday, but when you're sitting at the table in front of the back door, studying for physics for 20 hours, with headphones in. . . it's not exactly recipe for a good photo.
Also, funny thing happened yesterday. In the past week, I have studied for a physics test for close to 20 hours. And that doesn't take into account the time spent on homework in in the past month (about 30 hours), or class time (18ish hours), or class preparation before class. My point is, I've spent a whole lot of time learning physics this semester, and I had my first test yesterday. You'd think, after allllllll that studying, I'd be guaranteed a high score, yeah?
I got a 54% on the multiple choice. That's how hard and totally unfair his test was (by unfair I mean the homework and in-class lectures were poor preparation for the material on which we were tested). Last week he said most of us would leave the testing center feeling slightly flabbergasted and downtrodden by our poor performance, but at the time I didn't entirely believe him.
I guess physics is just one of those classes that you can prepare for for over SEVENTY HOURS and still totally bomb.
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