Mental Limits

"Don't put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get." -Michael Phelps

I really love this quote. I really do. It's going to be my motto (well, one of about 40 trillion others...but they're all up in my head swimmin around and making themselves at home, don't you worry your little tail off) for not only my entire time at BYU, but my entire life. I feel as if far too often we create these limits inside our head, telling ourselves that we're good enough to go this far, but not a step further. We tell ourselves we are capable of achieving up to a certain limit, but after that, we're goners. I know I do this myself, I can remember distinct times in my life where I remember thinking I couldn't do any better, and I settled with mediocrity. We are capable of so much more...we all have potentials that would blow our minds if only we could believe in them, believe in ourselves, and believe in what we someday can become. It starts with a belief, a slight glimmer of hope...and with time can grow and blossom into something beautiful. Into something truly magnificent.
Stress is way overrated. Get over it, stop over thinking everything, and just live your life with all you've got. Do your very best everyday...and one day you will find yourself in a place you never thought you could ever reach. A place of beauty. A place of greatness.
Sorry if that seemed directed at you, it was actually me talking to myself...I talk to myself, so sorry if that was a little brain gets carried away sometimes...;) ha. ha. HAA.

"Mediocricy will never do. You are capable of something better."

Do't forget it my friends....don't ever forget that right there:)Gordon B. Hinckley


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