Idiots (and pornography).

“Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come. . . Truth abideth and hath no end.” (D&C 88:66, 93:24.)

I might get some mean backfire for this blogpost, but I don't really care, because it's incredibly important to me.

I've learned in my short {almost} 21 years of life that I am opinionated and passionate, and that's ok with me. There are a few topics in this world that really get me fired up and I'll admit, make me a little angry. Body image, abortion, parents who "teach" their children incorrect principles, abuse, just to name a few.

However, Pornography is at the top of that list. I wrote a paper my freshman year of college about the affects of pornography on marriage, and even here at BYU, people gave me funny looks for wanting to speak up about something that I knew was wrong. I guess it's improper to write about unpopular and touchy subjects. Pornography makes me so angry, and here's why.

I feel like there are many issues in the world today in which the majority of society has an incredibly warped view of what is right. I feel so often that what society views as correct and totally acceptable is the complete opposite of God's law. I see this every single day: harmful deceit wrapped in a highly alluring package of half-truths.

For example, I was reading a blog post about Pornography today. The man, bless his heart, refuses to sugarcoat his messages. The man, bless his heart, refuses to sit idly while the standards of God are stomped and ravaged.

One of the comments, to me, was INCREDIBLY ironic (yes, the commenter's name is "idiots"...):

idiots says:
Hahaha, I’m sorry.. but every time I read one an article like this, a part of my humanity dies because it brings me to the realization of how backwards and ignorant we are as a society...let’s look as the archaic, ridiculous ideas of adultery and “sinful” lust. Now for most of you brainwashed, this probably won’t make any sense. You’re too embedded in your fables and dogma, but here it goes: there is nothing wrong with lusting after someone [in reference to porn usage], whether your married, in a relationship, or single. It’s called NATURE. We are attracted to others of our species and there is an evolutionary (yes, I know, about 3/4th of you stop reading at this) purpose for this. Now, if you chose to act on it when in a relationship, well, that’s your choice. The idea that we stop lusting or being attracted to others just because we are in a relationship, is hilarious. What’s even more ludicrous is if you actually believe some god designed you to be that way, but then made it a “sin.” Get over yourselves people, give up your antiquated ideas and maybe, just maybe, you’ll actually start to understand people better and have more fulfilling live, rather than trying to pretend you’re able to beat an ideology that has you destined to fail.

I'm sorry, but this comment makes me both laugh, cry, and hide in terror for the future of humanity. If only the man who wrote this could see how detrimental his thinking really is, of how backwards and twisted it actually is.

Today, there exists an all-out war of ideas. It can be easy to ignore (or sometimes not even realize it exists) because it's just that, a war of ideas. You don't have to be involved if you don't want to--take a stance of neutrality if you must--but the war wages on regardless. The only weapons are our words, our thoughts, our opinions and ideas, and how we choose to act on these things. There are brave fighters, who will stand up for truth and righteousness. There are also soldiers on the other side of the battle, ruthlessly beating down goodness with lies and deception. What is now considered popular is not always what is right. Parents and schools teach children from a young age to accept and even welcome incorrect ideas, ideas that are blatantly against the good of society, and God Himself. But, because these things are ideas and beliefs, hidden away in the minds of many, they go unnoticed. These ideas are like a sickness, and if you do not fight against them, they will infect your minds and warp your perception of truth. I believe that, with time, these ideas will not remain hidden, but will make themselves even more manifest. They already are. Families are falling apart, people are abandoning others in gluttony to satisfy their selfish desires, and heinous crime is rages rampantly all across the world. Don't believe me? Just get on the internet and search around for a few minutes. Although ubiquitous in nature, Cyberspace is the arena for this war.

The scriptures state, "By their fruits ye shall know them" (Matt. 7:20). With time, I believe that the fruits of society's currently accepted state of thinking will become even more obvious than it already is. I believe it will reach the point when no one will be able to choose neutrality. 

I don't mean to bunch everyone together, and call everyone evil. I believe most people are truly good, with good intentions and love in their hearts.  But I also know, from experience of watching others who I love dearly, that sometimes ideas can sneak themselves into our minds, and slowly, slowly, slowly, change people. Be aware, be vigilant. Don't let ideas poison your mind. Hold firm to TRUTH. It is unchanging, and has no end. Societal ideas are like the wind, without substance and absolute direction, but the laws of God are firm, steadfast, and sure. Fight for truth, hold tight, and don't let go.


  1. Great article Emily! I think it is pathetic how people like these "Idiots" believe that giving in to nature is somehow a step above what truly makes us human and separates us from nature. I have a friend from Italy who thought he could live a life by following his "natural" desires. After several years of this life he became stuck in a pit of deepening depression that he couldn't escape from. He doesn't believe in God, but recognizes that his desires are leading him down a road to nowhere. He has tried to commit suicide several times and is frustrated that he can never seem to escape his "natural" desires. He has been in contact with me for the past several months and was proud that he was finally finding his way toward overcoming these damaging habits. Sadly, this morning he texted me from Italy and told me about a mistake he had made last night and the frustration he felt being "imprisoned" by his desires. I fear he will attempt suicide again, but there is nothing more I can do for him here in America than offer words of encouragement and advice. Unfortunately, many people with good intentions will follow similar paths only to one day wake up and realize they have ensnared themselves within a web of pain and loneliness like my friend.
    What I said to my friend this morning I will say to everyone: to overcome these destructive habits we must 1.) strengthen our desire resolve to abandon our bad behaviors and 2.) come unto Christ, who is the only source of true power strong enough to help us overcome all things. I then shared the following scripture with him from 3 Ne. 9:14: "Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me."

    1. Wow! Thanks for sharing! I agree 100% with your advice. I'm so sorry for your friend and his heartache and decisions. I often think how difficult and sad my life might be without the guiding force and grace of Christ and His gospel. I too have seen the damaging affects of a life lived without that direction in those I love. He is the way, the truth, and the light; if only others could see that. Thanks again for commenting, I always enjoy feedback from those who read.


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