a short thought, from an over-thinker

I am a thinker.
I joke that I spend half my time just thinking, and the other half actually doing something. There may be some truth to that, as I often find myself lost in thought. Pondering, trying to understand, meditating, praying silently: all fall under the category of simply thinking. Some call it a waste of time, or over-analyzing, but for me it is remarkably effective at filling my life with meaning, growth, and building a foundation that gives my actions personal depth. It fills my life with greater meaning, truly. Without some thinking time daily, I eventually find myself floundering in the onslaught of waves that is life.

I am a deep thinker; I shun small talk and crave depth in my conversations and relationships. I crave emotional closeness with others, and both cherish and admire vulnerability. I have found that writing is the best way for me to accurately convey some of the trillions of thoughts that fill my head daily and give my personal life greater depth.


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