I'm a proud auntie!!
For those of you who don't know, I am the youngest of 10, and because of that, I have quite a few nieces and nephews. I was actually an aunt before I was born!!! My sister and mom were pregnant at the same time, so when I came into this world, my nephew Garrett was already waiting for me. :-) He was my instant friend. I like to think that we were waiting up in heaven together, looking down on our family and eagerly anticipating the day when we would come down to earth together. We were supposed to be born only a few months apart, but he was born very prematurely. He is a miracle child, it's true. I imagine us being up there together, just having a good time, and then one day our Heavenly Father comes over and says, "Hey Garrett! You're being called down a little earlier than we had expected! It's your turn now!"
Okay, so maybe it didn't go down like that, but you never know. ;)
We grew up together. Our childhoods were closely intertwined, and many of my favorite memories were spent with him. I remember eating "sour grass" from the neighbor's yard, climbing the tallest tress, and then looking out together, all while playing "spies". I remember exploring the boonies of my neighborhood together, going places our mothers said we shouldn't go. I remember just riding our bikes all around, playing silly games and enjoying the simplicity of life. I remember visiting his home in Temecula, and sliding biking down big, scary, dirt hills. I remember when I fell on my face (literally) while zooming down that hill, and he was there to take me back to his house. (I also remember laying on the couch afterwards and being a sissy.)
He had run in the freezing cold from his apartment, at the drop of a dime, to come see me when I opened my mission call. After I opened it and the tears were flooding and my heart was breaking, he was the only one that remained. He made me laugh when all I could do was sob, joking that I would get "to eat a whole lot of fried butter!!". He was my friend when no one else remained, and for that alone I will be forever grateful to him.
I remember sleepovers, and movies, and just having fun together. I don't remember sharing a crib or taking baths together (thankfully) but I'm positive that they happened...Hahaha.
I'm 100% sure that I had the best, most adventurous childhood that ever existed. I have the fondest memories, and I wouldn't change them for the world. I also believe that I have the best family ever, and I love them to pieces. They are so special to me, and truly inspire me. I'm so lucky that I get to spend forever with them. Growing up isn't always fun, but I'm pretty sure (and grateful that) I'll always be a kid at heart. :-)
My nephew, who I love very much, is currently at boot camp, preparing to become a US Marine.
It is NOT an easy task, and is definitely not for the faint of heart.
He was hurt, however.
His back and spine were injured, and he is currently in the MRP trying to heal so he can return to his platoon. My heart is so sad for him! But, he is an amazing guy, so I know he can do it!
He truly is amazing, and he inspires me!!! Keep him in your prayers, because he means the world to me!
I love you, nephew Garrett!
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He is the second from the left, with the biggest smile and glasses 8D |
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