Dear Africa
My name is Emily Birch, and something about you draws me in. Something about your people, about your land, about your culture...about your me in in a way I cannot fully describe. My heart yearns to bring you hope through Christ, to bring you comfort and love and compassion. It's a bizarre phenomenon, my deep love for this continent that I know almost nothing about.
It all began about 4 years ago; I sometimes wonder if my heart latched onto the people of your unknown lands when I began running more seriously. Africa, especially your countries Kenya and Ethiopia, are world-renowned for their phenomenal long-distance runners, as you already know and I'm sure are so proud of. Running fuels us both with passion, but while I run for the pure enjoyment, many of your athletes run to feed their families. Despite beginnings, all I know is that I must visit, that I must become involved with these people that my heart calls out to, that my soul yearns to serve and love. I don't know you, but I want to.
This year at girl's camp, ShoSho came to talk to us about you, Africa, and present a project for us young women to do. We made dolls for the children of Africa; ShoSho's group called Africa is Life Changing, INC. is a non-profit, humanitarian organization dedicated to nurturing the value of women and children in Kenya. I love people, and I love the people of Africa so much. I love children, and I love the children of Africa so much. I know that someday I will be able to visit and meet these people that my heart is so drawn to naturally.
I have dreamed of helping you, of relieving some of your pain and bringing to you a source of love and friendship. I don't have much to offer, but I offer you my heart. I have dreamed of living there with my family, of raising my children on the principles of selflessness, service, and gratitude. You are home to an amazing people...the level of your suffering extends far beyond what I could ever imagine as I sit here in my fully furnished home with enough food to feed an entire village and enough stuff to make even my mind boggle...You may suffer physically and economically, but the extent of your gratitude and faith inspires me to reach for new heights. I can only hope to obtain a fraction of the courage and strength that your people possess within my lifetime.

Dear Africa, you truly inspire me.
Emily Birch
Here's where I need help: I want to go on the next expedition to Africa with Africa is Life Changing, INC. As a poor college student, I could never do it alone. I'm setting up a PayPal account and saving my pennies with the hope that come May 2012, at the time of their next trip to Africa, I will have saved enough to go. I've already filled out the Volunteer form, an am keep ing my fingers crossed. Would anyone be able and willing to help me achieve this goal? If you are wanting to help, I have a page you can reach here where you can donate.
With all my thanks and love,
keep on smiling!
emily i am trying to go to africa for that same exact same trip! i filled out the papers and just have to put the down payment down! i have been wanting to do it for forever!
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness!!!!! we could be going at the same time!!!! how awesome and amazing would that be!!!! i sure hope so! :) :) :)