These past days have been one serious roller coaster of emotions. Seriously now, from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows, I have experienced every bit. Every bit I tell you!
But how grateful I am for that roller coaster ride, with all the drops and twists and triumphant rises toward the glimmering sky all crammed into 2 short days, because it really made me realize something. Oftentimes, change occurs overtime, and we learn very slowly due to adverse but prolonged experiences in our lives. However, because so many feelings and ideas and moments were jam packed into such a short amount of time, my brain was able to fully register and completely remember every tiny emotion, from the slightest sinking feeling in my heart, to the highest surge of jubilee and pure exhilaration! And because I could remember every teeny tiny little moment, I was again reminded how grateful I am for trials in our lives. I won't get into the nitty gritty details, but something amazing happened, something truly amazing. Something beyond what I could have ever imagined, something that could blow my wildest dreams clear out of the water. Pedro struck this one straight on the head when he declared triumphantly (okay...maybe not quite) that he really will make all of your wildest dreams come true. Well, that's that in a nutshell...my feelings of absolute joy are beyond description, and I thank my lucky stars (well...not really my stars, but more precisely my Heavenly Father..you know;) that my dreams really are coming true..one at a time.
It hit like a rocket, like a meteor knocking me off my feet and sending me spiraling into Wonderland. It had to be a dream....there is no way things like this happen to silly ol' people like me. Not. A. Chance. But it really was, and I was in total La-la, Goo-goo, what-ever-you-wanna-call-it Land. TOTAL SHOCK. But far beyond grateful..

That's when disaster hit, and I thought it was all coming to an end. I thought every single glimmer of hope was vanishing oh so quickly, faster than I could run after it and bottle it up again, if only for a short time. My heart sunk, and I nearly gave up hope. I wanted to cry a river and then drown in it. I'm not being sarcastic here, folks, it really was that heartbreaking. And at the time I could see no way out of the mess I found myself being buried alive under. I had no clue what was going to happen, and I had very little hope.
However, as the day progressed and I tried my hardest to keep my blood pressure under control, the whole disaster seemed to work itself out, just a little bit. But that piece of hope is all I needed, and things were lookin' bright again. Not quite as bright as noon day as it had been before, but more like a light shinning out from the darkest abyss. It soothed my soul and lightened my anxiety, if only a little.
This whole crazy ride really opened my eyes and made me realize how grateful I am for trials and mistakes. Hold on a minute, did I really just say that?!?! PAUSE, STOP, Hold your horses, girlfriend!! What did you just say?!?!
But it's true...I've always known it, but sometimes when you're stuck in a pit you forget to look up and see the greater picture..sometimes you're so focused on the darkness and dirtiness that surrounds you that you forget just above you is the sun shining so lovingly. Sometimes you don't see the ladder that is waiting for you to grab hold of it and hoist yourself out. Sure, you could never do it alone, but you have to be the one to make the first step towards the light.
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Don't get stuck in a pit...stop and look around! There is often more to a situation than what meets the eye. |
Sorry for the ambiguity of this whole thing...I just didn't feel like getting personal on ya or anything.
Thanks for listening to me blab for a while!
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