(Return of the) Awkward and Awesome, yo
...in no particular order from the past 6 months.
- where the 60 pound dog (who thinks she's a tiny human) chooses to plant her tush
- crying through half your farewell talk....and subsequently making every single human in the room cry, too. cursed genetics
- re-learning how to drive/park/chauffeur/etc. at the ripe age of 22
- phone calls to the MTC in only spanish....i was doin' swell until they asked me to tell the story of joseph smith... humility is a blessing. i'm comin' for ya, tejas.
- 5 pairs of glasses somehow getting completely lost in the mail....thanks warby parker for taking that $500 charge off my credit card. YIKES.
- showing my brother how to ride a bike trainer while wearing a skirt...let's just say, he saw a lot more than how to ride a bike. decent coverage: just one more blessing of wearing garments. coulda been real bad.
- Home wards: gotta love 'em for a little ego boost. my first counselor was busily telling me about the five coolest guys he's ever met and wants to set me up with when my old sunday school teacher walks past--mid conversation--and says, "hey, the guy i want to set you up with is in europe, but when he's back we gotta get this rollin'!" my life is never dull. count your blessings, folks. or just go on a mission, then it stops. completely.
- on this same thought: introductions in home wards. please excuse me while i hide in the corner.
- how filthy rich i could be if i responded to all the emails in my inbox titled "$15 MILLION USD CONTACT AGENT IN USA!!!!" ...seriously, i'd be a Centillionaire. i could bathe in million dollar bills. word of advice: don't give your email away while visiting eastern africa, even when they confess their undying friendship.
Also, this (although I'd classify this more as terrifying than awkward...):
- saving $780 on a two-years supply of contacts... (suckaaaas)
- snorkeling in 60 foot deep water off the coast of la jolla..i feel like i now understand what it feels like to do somersaults in outer-space
- sweeet bike rides with the bro
- lunch dates with the above-mentioned brotha
- sweeet runs with the other bro
- mcdonalds with the above bros, plus one more (i'm lovin' it...seriously though, their new grilled chicken guacamole pico burgers....MMM)
- celebrating the birthday of the only bro not yet mentioned with the entire family at Killer Pizzza
- swimming with seals who like to play "chicken"
- feeding geribaldi an entire bag of frozen peas
- buying five pairs of sweeet running shoes for the price of one... (suckaaaas)
- thrift store pants: originally $250, bought for $15 ... (suckaaaas)
- magical runs through the hills of poway with my sassy sister and sunny, the adventure pup (see above photo)
- bike rides with my other sister just before sunset
- waking up to a very eager pup (see above photo x2), excited to begin the day
- snuggles with the nieces and nephews so they can sleep well that night (no, not the 23 year old one)
- skinny dipping in the colorado river, poway lake, utah lake, deer creek, silver lake, and a magical unknown waterfall in the forests of eugene, orgeon
- prayers answered in the most perfect, incredible, personal ways; ways that only a perfect, incredible, personal God could do
- Sneakily making cakes with the brotha and leaving them in the black of night to scare the sista
- The following conversation with a temple worker who overheard me talking about a mission:
Girl: OH! I'm going on a mission too!
Me: No way! Where?
Girl: McAllen, Texas!
Me, as my eyes fall out of their sockets: YOU'RE KIDDING ME, RIGHT?!!
No she wasn't kidding me. She reports the same day, too. Bonkers.
- OH, and this day:
...& somewhere in between:
- splits with the sister missionaries....awkward only in the best of ways;) i do love those girls!
- where the 60 pound dog (who thinks she's a tiny human) chooses to plant her tush
- crying through half your farewell talk....and subsequently making every single human in the room cry, too. cursed genetics
- re-learning how to drive/park/chauffeur/etc. at the ripe age of 22
- phone calls to the MTC in only spanish....i was doin' swell until they asked me to tell the story of joseph smith... humility is a blessing. i'm comin' for ya, tejas.
- 5 pairs of glasses somehow getting completely lost in the mail....thanks warby parker for taking that $500 charge off my credit card. YIKES.
- showing my brother how to ride a bike trainer while wearing a skirt...let's just say, he saw a lot more than how to ride a bike. decent coverage: just one more blessing of wearing garments. coulda been real bad.
- Home wards: gotta love 'em for a little ego boost. my first counselor was busily telling me about the five coolest guys he's ever met and wants to set me up with when my old sunday school teacher walks past--mid conversation--and says, "hey, the guy i want to set you up with is in europe, but when he's back we gotta get this rollin'!" my life is never dull. count your blessings, folks. or just go on a mission, then it stops. completely.
- on this same thought: introductions in home wards. please excuse me while i hide in the corner.
- how filthy rich i could be if i responded to all the emails in my inbox titled "$15 MILLION USD CONTACT AGENT IN USA!!!!" ...seriously, i'd be a Centillionaire. i could bathe in million dollar bills. word of advice: don't give your email away while visiting eastern africa, even when they confess their undying friendship.
Also, this (although I'd classify this more as terrifying than awkward...):
- saving $780 on a two-years supply of contacts... (suckaaaas)
- snorkeling in 60 foot deep water off the coast of la jolla..i feel like i now understand what it feels like to do somersaults in outer-space
- sweeet bike rides with the bro
- lunch dates with the above-mentioned brotha
- sweeet runs with the other bro
- mcdonalds with the above bros, plus one more (i'm lovin' it...seriously though, their new grilled chicken guacamole pico burgers....MMM)
- celebrating the birthday of the only bro not yet mentioned with the entire family at Killer Pizzza
- swimming with seals who like to play "chicken"
- feeding geribaldi an entire bag of frozen peas
- buying five pairs of sweeet running shoes for the price of one... (suckaaaas)
- thrift store pants: originally $250, bought for $15 ... (suckaaaas)
- magical runs through the hills of poway with my sassy sister and sunny, the adventure pup (see above photo)
- bike rides with my other sister just before sunset
- waking up to a very eager pup (see above photo x2), excited to begin the day
- snuggles with the nieces and nephews so they can sleep well that night (no, not the 23 year old one)
- skinny dipping in the colorado river, poway lake, utah lake, deer creek, silver lake, and a magical unknown waterfall in the forests of eugene, orgeon
- prayers answered in the most perfect, incredible, personal ways; ways that only a perfect, incredible, personal God could do
- Sneakily making cakes with the brotha and leaving them in the black of night to scare the sista
- The following conversation with a temple worker who overheard me talking about a mission:
Girl: OH! I'm going on a mission too!
Me: No way! Where?
Girl: McAllen, Texas!
Me, as my eyes fall out of their sockets: YOU'RE KIDDING ME, RIGHT?!!
No she wasn't kidding me. She reports the same day, too. Bonkers.
- OH, and this day:
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...& somewhere in between:
- splits with the sister missionaries....awkward only in the best of ways;) i do love those girls!
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