You hear stories about kids going away to school, overloading on ramen noodles and spaghetti oh's in their desperate search for food...but not here at 222 Tingey Hall. Our staple is nothing close to packaged dinners and instant meals, but instead, every meal consists of : broccoli and lettuce. Broccoli for lunch, spinach for dinner...lettuce as our side dish and for every snack in between... I think we're turning green, or let's hope that's what's causing it...
Okay, so all kidding aside, the above statement is only partially true. I'd hate to give my mom a fright, and our devotional today was on honesty in every regard...So, I'd better fess up.
We actually eat very balanced, for a normal person even. Not that college students aren't normal, but what can I say... We do eat a lot of broccoli, however...can't argue that! We made yummy stir fry the other night, banana pancakes for breakfast, along with lots of other goodies. I know, food is
soo interesting, I just had to start somewhere..;)
my little campus:) it's so least for another month ;) |
BYU seriously is so great. I grow to love it more each and every day, it's kind of bizarre actually. We work hard, play hard, pray is so balanced, and not what I expected by any means from a college education. I enjoy every day, every class, every minute, and I feel so blessed to be in such an amazing environment surrounded by such amazing people who inspire me to be better in every regard, not only in my drive for an education. I couldn't ask for a better place to be right now at this point in my life, it's amazing! Things aren't always hunky dory, but who says they're supposed to be...even when the studying gets a little crazy and life gets a little overwhelming, I could never be happier. Everyone smiles, everyone laughs, and not to mention,
everyone runs. And I seriously mean
everyone. And they smile while running. Go figure. Running plus the gospel equals, ultimate happiness. ;) There's just something different...totally different from all the things I've heard about college life, and I absolutely love it.
Like I said before, even the food here is different.
Oh, and can't forget the ice cream....

keep on smiling!
Yay, Enjoy your college years. This is your time to give to yourself. Give yourself education, and a running headstart!