Me Gusta Bailar!
Y me gusta Espanol.
My, how time flies. I remember being 14 like it was just yesterday...
Tonight was one of my very last dances, if not my last one. We're only allowed to go until we've graduated or turned 18, and considering both of those have come and gone, it's almost time to hang up my dancin' shoes and move on. Parting is such...sorrow. But it was great to end it with a bang, and I had way more fun than should be allowed:) I really do like to dance....REALLY;) Tonight was one of my most favorite, probably favorite. And so it goes.
We've learned how to hula, how to talk to boys and dance with them, too. When the Biebs comes on, we go crazy, and add JLo to that list as well. I've hit up Amvets more times than I care remember, searching for an outfit just a tad crazier than the one before....and man, do they fill up my closet. We've tried on old smelly wedding gowns, sparky floor length hot mama dresses... and worn some hideous costumes to top it off.
I still remember my first dance...I try not to remember specific details, but I'll never forget it. ;)
We've danced hundreds of hours, probably thousands, and revolted when the music got a tad risque. That Bailey girl has put gangsta flave into my groove thang, and for that, along with a bajillion other reasons, is why she'll always be my secret sister. I love my dance girls, and I am going to miss them so terribly. This one's for you girls--I'll love you forever! Thanks for the fun, you've taught me more than you'll ever know! I'm so grateful for amazing people in my life. They inspire me to be better, bring happiness into my life, and teach me what selfless love is about. They've taught me to live life to the fullest, to enjoy every moment and cherish the people in my life with all my heart. I hope that I can leave half the impact on someone that they have left on me. They might be youngsters, but they sure are mighty.
The strength they carry is phenomenal, and I admire them so much for it. I sound like an old woman, but I didn't have the strength they do when I was their age just a few short years ago. Girlies, I love you so much, and I hope you never forget it. Stay on the right path and you will continue to do outstanding things. With all my heart, I am going to miss you, but it's a good thing distance means very little when it comes to eternal friendships. ;)
My, how time flies. I remember being 14 like it was just yesterday...
Tonight was one of my very last dances, if not my last one. We're only allowed to go until we've graduated or turned 18, and considering both of those have come and gone, it's almost time to hang up my dancin' shoes and move on. Parting is such...sorrow. But it was great to end it with a bang, and I had way more fun than should be allowed:) I really do like to dance....REALLY;) Tonight was one of my most favorite, probably favorite. And so it goes.
We've learned how to hula, how to talk to boys and dance with them, too. When the Biebs comes on, we go crazy, and add JLo to that list as well. I've hit up Amvets more times than I care remember, searching for an outfit just a tad crazier than the one before....and man, do they fill up my closet. We've tried on old smelly wedding gowns, sparky floor length hot mama dresses... and worn some hideous costumes to top it off.
I still remember my first dance...I try not to remember specific details, but I'll never forget it. ;)
You're the greatest!
Thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one.
keep on smiling!
Emily, I LOVE YOU!!